According to art. 32 of the Tax Code, all local and foreign persons that operate on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria should have a tax address to receive tax notices.
Each tax entity with headquarters or address abroad is also obliged to have Bulgarian tax address, if it receives income and benefits from sources within the country or has property in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
If you're not found at this address, the tax notices are attached to the tax record and are considered to be served.
But most letters parcels and notices of public administration contain time limits within which you need to take certain actions or to present documents and if you do not receive them in time, it is very possible to follow the sanctions of the supervisory authorities.
You will have a legal tax address in Sofia, where you can be found;
You will have at your disposal qualified personnel that know how to react in any situation;
You will have professional representation before the authorities of the state administration;
- You will be informed in due time of the shipments or messages received by telephone, e-mail or delivery company.